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Geheber Lewis Architects is a full-service architecture firm full of solid levelheaded people. We are easy to work with, fun to be around and always make sure to check our ego at the door. Sounds too good to be true? Just wait until you work with us!

GLA was founded by Fred Geheber & Alan Lewis in 1988 in Atlanta, GA and since then have strategically established offices in Chicago and Denver. We are a mid-size architecture firm focused on developing quality relationships with Multifamily developers that stand the test of time – just like our buildings.

We find ourselves specialized in the Multifamily world and honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

We are obsessed with all things Multifamily and proudly work in nearly all MF sectors including, private market rate apartments, senior housing, student housing and have a particular passion for our work in the affordable housing field.


The best way to share who we are is to describe our core values, so let's start there. We have five core values at GLA and these are not just posted up on an office wall somewhere. We use these as a tool that guides us on everyday decision making and reminds us how to show up to work each day.


We are fun and pleasant to work with. We do not take ourselves too seriously, we show up with a positive outlook and always lead with a team player attitude.


We consistently put our own interest to the side for the betterment of the project. We participate in conversations with an open mind. We will admit when we’ve missed the mark and welcome constructive criticism.


We keep a good moral compass and lead with honesty. We also understand that going above and beyond for the cause is expected at times.


We understand the value of reputation. We take action to strengthen healthy relations with our clients and colleagues and overall, just know how to connect with people. We honor architecture as a true apprenticeship and believe deeply in setting aside time for mentoring the next generation of architects.


We take initiative when necessary and routinely exude self-discipline and accountability. We are self-driven to learn and solve our own problems. We understand that we are one part of a larger whole in the AEC industry.


Juan Carlos Aguiar

McCoy Crawford

Kena Fairfax

Beth Hegberg

Zach Kauffmann

Michelle Leal

Ashley Maloney

Jacob Miramontes

Patricija Pericic

Yegor Shulyk

Craig Vinson

Erika Andrade

Ali Doyle

Matthew Foster

Marco A. Hernández

Alissa Keffer

Alan Lewis AIA, NCARB

Beth Matthews

Zach Nelson AIA, NCARB

Daniel Richardson

Elijah Swift

James Voorhees

Tiffany Belmonte

Ryan Dudek

Michael Friedman

Stephen Hofmann

Jasper Kim

Rene Lopez

Michael Matty

Kiet Nguyen AIA, NCARB

Mariana Rocha

Marie Taylor AIA, NCARB

Alberto Zarco

Cameron Bradberry

Mel Esser AIA, NCARB

Fred Geheber AIA, NCARB

Melissa Holder AIA, NCARB

Ty Lawrence

Lidia Madrid

Spencer McMains

Dhruvee Patel Chavda

Tenzin Senge

Brian Tomlin


ATLANTA  1325 LOGAN CIRCLE NW ATLANTA, GA 30318  404-228-1958

CHICAGO  318 W ADAMS ST,  SUITE 800B, CHICAGO, IL 60606  312-509-2663

DENVER  8181 ARISTA PLACE, SUITE 100, BROOMFIELD, CO 80021 303-418-4636

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